Millet: A neglected crop making a comeback

Recently one of the authors was made aware of the Free Rice campaign launched by the World Food Programme (WFP). The campaign is implemented through the Freerice website and mobile application which allows participants to donate rice to needy families by playing a multiple-choice quiz game.


Participatory Video Fellows win prizes in film competition

As part of the ‘Festival of Scope for all Science Communication Popularisation and its Extension’ the State Council Science Technology & Environment (SCSTE), Meghalaya celebrated National Science Day at All Saints Hall Shillong, on the 28th of February 2022. There, the SCSTE gave away the prizes for the Short Videography Competition on the theme ‘Indigenous Technologies of Meghalaya’.


Farmer from Mawbri advocates for return to traditional farming

In light of the much progress that has been made in the sector of agriculture, traditional methods of farming are rapidly being replaced with the conventional methods of crop production. The Green Revolution (GR), powered by excessive use of HYV seeds, chemical fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides turned India into one of the world’s leading agricultural nations.

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Farmer from Mawbri advocates for return to traditional farming

In light of the much progress that has been made in the sector of agriculture, traditional methods of farming are rapidly being replaced with the conventional methods of crop production. The Green Revolution (GR), powered by excessive use of HYV seeds, chemical fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides turned India into one of the world’s leading agricultural nations.