Gen Youth promoting Agro-biodiversity – ShankardevCollege
NESFAS has always stressed on the importance of the role played by the youth in the promotion of agrobiodiversity and, for a while now, has set its sights on the…
NESFAS has always stressed on the importance of the role played by the youth in the promotion of agrobiodiversity and, for a while now, has set its sights on the…
So, if a man is what he eats is, FOOD becomes his Identity which is synonymous to his culture. Through our food people not only learn about who we are but also where we come from.
The perception of the environment which surrounds us and that of food is always linked to the existing triggers of multiple sensory stimuli which are then interpreted based on past experience. In the case of food, for example, even though one sense might sometimes dominate over others, the profile which we perceive is the result of the combined action of the senses.