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The village elders signing the final handover they received from ITM committee
Mawphlang community member signing the hand over document. Photo: NESFAS/ Raisa Daimary

Indigenous Terra Madre 2015 organisers handed over the Lawkyntang Mawphlang and the Heritage Village to the Hima Mawphlang in a formal manner on the 18th November 2015.

In a significant step, the organizers of Indigenous Terra Madre 2015 handed over the International Mei-Ramew Food Festival venue, the Lawkyntang Mawphlang and the Heritage Village to the Hima Mawphlang in a formal manner. The groups present for the hand over included the Hima Mawphlang, the Rangbah Shnong, the Seng Kynthei and the community members of Mawphlang. Following a walk around the premise to inspect the cleaning work done, the group visited the compost pit created and maintained by the Waste Management team of ITM 2015. The Waste Management team was created and coordinated by NESFAS, Indian Youth Climate Network and Bethany Society.

Post the event on 7th November 2015 a large pit was dug for degradable garbage, which is being treated with G2G granules to hasten decomposition by the Bokashi method. This has been carried out under the guidance of the Bethany Society. At the site of the compost pit, Dr. Carl Rangad, ITM 2015 Expeditor spoke to the group present about how the Bokashi waste management method is completely natural and yields good compost over a very short period of time. He made suggestions to the community that a waste disposal system can be organised with them not only to ensure segregation of waste, proper disposal of inorganic waste and composting of biodegradable waste. The community members hope to involve the youth in waste management of the area as said by Kong Fennis Kharshiing, Rtd. Vice principal of Seng Khasi Higher Secondary School and member of the Mawphlang Seng Kynthei, “The compost pit will be beneficial to the community, I’d like to invite the ITM 2015 organizers to come teach us about proper waste disposal”.

Dr. Carl Rangad showing the village elders and Lyngdohs of Hima Mawphlang the Bokashi Pit (1024x678)
Dr. Carl Rangad explaining the benefits of composting using Bokashi Method. Photo: NESFAS/ Damanki War

Mr. NK Lyndgoh, Lyngdoh of the Hima Mawphlang shared his happiness at how cleanliness has been restored to the venue. He also expressed his gratitude for the roads and toilets that were constructed in relation to the event. Hoping that the cleanliness remains intact the Lyngdoh, while welcoming all visitors to Lawkyntang Mawphlang, he also requests the visitors, to maintain cleanliness and not litter the place. He shared that he will look into a formation of a group with the Seng Samla to look after the maintenance of the place as well as the infrastructures in the heritage village, which includes the 3 toilets made for the ITM 2015. Speaking about the compost at the ITM 2015 Venue, he said, “we look foreward to learning more about Bokashi, and it will be beneficial to us all farmers.” He also spoke about how the usual practice in the village was to burn plastic but after Dr. Rangad spoke to the group about the harmful effects of burning plastic, he will ensure that the community has a proper waste management system with the help of NESFAS and Bethany Society.

The official hand over took place in the form of the signing of a document by those present, which declares the Lawkyntang Mawphlang as clean as when handed to the organizers of ITM 2015.

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