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International Mei-Ramew / Indigenous Terra Madre 2015 shifts into final gear as the Chief Minister of Meghalaya, Chair of the State Level Steering Committee of the IMR/ITM 2015, NESFAS and Government departments meet and share enthusiastic steps being taken towards the success of the event. 

Meghalaya Chief Minister Dr Mukul Sangma
Meghalaya Chief Minister Dr Mukul Sangma

The Chief Minister of Meghalaya, as the Chair of the State Level Steering Committee of the International Mei-Ramew / Indigenous Terra Madre 2015 had called the meeting on the 2nd of September 2015 to review the progress.  Over the past months, NESFAS and the co-hosting villages have received very good support from the local district administration and most of the BDOs and concerned line departments.

The Chief Minister informed the members that this was a time for all energies to shape the arrival of delegates from 52 countries, 80 international indigenous communities and many more national nominees to celebrate this confluence of culture and science, over celebrations of traditional food and flavours from across the world. Mr. Phrang Roy, Chairman, NESFAS, emphasized the importance of according suitable hospitality to the delegates but also ensure inclusion of the people of Meghalaya in the ITM 2015. He informed the forum that NESFAS has made efforts to create a buzz by involving the North East Students groups in NEHU, MLCU and St. Edmunds at the ITM 2015 through the various NESFAS activities.

Mr. Sampat Kumar (I.A.S), Resident Commissioner informed the forum that NESFAS has been preparing for the ITM 2015 with a few curtain raisers with a tie-up with radio channels, theme song collaboration, involvement of the Shillong Chamber Choir and lecture series that allow young minds to interact with world-renown scholars on agroecology, nutrition, and other food-related issues. Mr. Sampat Kumar also informed the forum that the Detailed Project Report has been submitted to the Government of Meghalaya.

Phidarilin Uriah, Associate, NESFAS
Phidarilin Uriah, Associate, NESFAS

Ms. Phidarilin Uriah, Associate, NESFAS made a presentation on the NESFAS journey to the IMR /ITM 2015 that was widely appreciated by all the members. She established the activation of local voices in preparation for a global audience as the villagers are not just their villages ready but also sharing plans for the visitors’ feasts. The program of the IMR/ITM was shared where discussions, tasting sessions. participation of international organizations and more importantly a cultural extravaganza was shared. It was also suggested that the IMR/ITM Kitchen organized to bring together local and global chefs could be tried out in the build up to the ITM 2015 as a promotional event. This would be implemented by NESFAS prior to the event. The synergies with the Tourism department was discussed wherein they will allot a kiosk at the Guwahati airport and also support with government hoardings to promote the International Mei-Ramew / Indigenous Terra Madre 2015 in the minds of visitors, residents of Shillong and the 41 host villages to make them ready for the global audience.

As a welcome to the city, it would be opportune to have the Chief Minister’s “Clean and Green” campaign encouraging Green Ambassadors from the schools and colleges. This program has been initiated and a need to engage with these initiatives was felt. In the coming days, NESFAS is planning to meet the village headmen, government departments and the communities for “A Clean Shillong Campaign”. Mr. Pankaj Jain, Principal Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, along with the Deputy Commissioners will be identifying various stretches of land for waste management drives and beautification projects incorporating seasonal flowers that would accentuate the approaches to venues at NEHU in time for the arrival of international and national delegates.

The government of Meghalaya has been a constant supporter of NESFAS’ ITM 2015 – related activities  and all its other activities so as to help the organisation fulfill its vision for the global event.As part of his address to the people of the state of Meghalaya on the occasion of the Independence Day 2015, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Meghalaya, Dr Mukul Sangma, promoted the Indigenous Terra Madre (ITM) 2015 through his speech.

Excerpt of Meghalaya Chief Minister Dr Mukul Sangma's Speech on Indipendence Day 2015
Excerpt of Meghalaya Chief Minister Dr Mukul Sangma’s Speech on Indipendence Day 2015


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