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Children of Lairsluid LP School – Ribhoi Photo: NESFAS/Betkhiador Lapang
Children of Lairsluid LP School – Ribhoi
Photo: NESFAS/Betkhiador Lapang

In keeping the Terra Madre Day, the school children and teachers of Lairsluid LP School – Ribhoi organized a cleaning drive in and around the school premises on the on 6th/December/2015. It was a simple gesture to remind themselves about keeping mother earth clean and beautiful.

Children of Lairsluid LP School – Ribhoi cleaning the school premises on Terra Madre Day. Photo: NESFAS/Betkhiador Lapang
Children of Lairsluid LP School – Ribhoi cleaning the school premises on Terra Madre Day. Photo: NESFAS/Betkhiador Lapang

Apart from cleaning drive the school children also planted around 20 tree saplings of 3 local varieties – Diengngan, Diengjalawan and Diengsohemi around the school. This was done in order to promote the plantation of local varieties of trees which are appropriate to the local climate and soil teaching the children about the importance about thinking of the future.


Children of Lairsluid LP School – Ribhoi planting indigenous trees on Terra Madre Day. Photo: NESFAS/Betkhiador Lapang
Children of Lairsluid LP School – Ribhoi planting indigenous trees on Terra Madre Day. Photo: NESFAS/Betkhiador Lapang

The day ended with an eat in, where the school teachers contributed local rice from their respective paddy fields and fresh mustard harvested from the garden grown and maintained by the children of the school; school gardens are one of the activities promoted by NESFAS that introduce children to cultivation and indigenous food in an attempt to impart practical education on local foods. The entire celebration was self sponsored with resources available locally.
Reported by Janak Preet Singh

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