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Louie Schwartzberg uses high-speed cameras and time-lapse photography to reveal the amazing world of flowers and the process of pollination.

Jaymi Heimbuch

StevenRussellSmithPhotosShutterstockLouie Schwartzberg is a renowned cinematographer who captures the beauty of nature in unexpected ways. His works are about celebrating life and keeps reminding us to be grateful for living on planet Earth, especially through his inspiring TED talks.

The tiny, often overlooked activities of our world are revealed through Schwartzberg’s lens, and that includes the world of pollination. When it comes to romance, flowers need a lot of help, and they get that help from an incredible range of other creatures. Schwartzberg uses high-speed video slowed down to show us winged pollinators doing what they do best.

Enjoy this gorgeous show of hummingbirds, bats, bees, butterflies and more, all of them helping to pollinate the flowers that are essential to life on Earth.

[Story taken from Mother Nature Network. For original story follow – http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/wilderness-resources/stories/slow-motion-video-reveals-the-hidden-beauty-of]

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