Since the start of the compost making at Laitsohpliah on the 12th November 2016, the day finally arrived that it is ready to be used in the fields. On the 15th of December 2016, the community members came forward once again to contribute to the process. The compost pile was open and used effectively in three different gardens at Laitsohpliah. The compost was equally divided and kept in the School Gardens of SSA LP School and SSA UP School, and in the garden of the ICDS Centre.
Enthusiasm surrounded the atmosphere when the parents actively participated in this last session, with the hope to meet good results in their children’s school garden. They had also humbly shared their expertise to their children the knowledge of cultivation.
As suggested by Dr Carl O Rangad, Vice Chairman (Operations) NESFAS, the beds in the gardens run East to West for better yields. The community members have also decided to start planting this February and to also get the children back on track by growing things.