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Khliang Syiar vd Spinach

As part of our ongoing Nutritional Campaign, NESFAS would like to call out to all individuals to keep a tab on what they are eating. Here’s a fun fact for you all. It has been found that Meghalaya is home to a number of green leafy vegetables – wild and cultivated and green leafy wild edibles. However, most of us turn a blind eye to the them, which means we are turning a blind eye to the nutritional benefits that we ought to be getting from these greens.

Here’s calling out to everyone to take part in our #nesfas_eattraditional campaign and support our very own local farmers.

All you have to do is:

*Click a picture of your plate filled with local food and greens.

*Come up with a witty caption

*Use the #nesfas_eattraditional hashtag and tag us @nesfas

* Upload it on instagram/facebook

Here’s your chance to get featured on our social media pages!

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