Enhancing Nutritional Diversity As A Means Of Supplementing
The Mid-Day Meals Of Primary School Children Using Local Resources


“Enhancing nutritional diversity as a means of supplementing the mid-day meals of primary school children using local resources” was a GIZ-NESFAS project aimed at strengthening the government programme of Mid Day Meal (MDM) through nutritional diversity using local resources.

The project strived for the revitalization of the importance of nutritional diversity through community involvement and the development of capacities of youth and women for enhancing their livelihood in the context of agrobiodiversity. Mechanisms like the school garden, ABD walks, and awareness to facilitate support for nutrition-rich Mid Day Meals in the primary schools using local resources through the involvement of local primary stakeholders were developed by NESFAS for the project. Six publications that corroborated with the project were produced. Four cooking demonstrations were also organised under the project along with a cooking competition for the local chefs.

Other important milestones of the project included Agrobiodiversity mapping and the organisation of MDM food fest. The most important milestone, however, was the renovation of MDM kitchens.