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The Integrated Village Society (IVS), a Nongkhrah-based society from Nongpoh (Ri Bhoi district), collaborated with the state government’s agriculture department recently to help farmers sell their produce during the ongoing Covid-19 lockdown.

Members of the society said they store the products at a storage area (godown) in Pahambir (Ri Bhoi district)  after they buy all the vegetables and farm products from the farmers.

Prior to buying the products, the field coordinators of Social Service Centre (SSC) broadcasts the information to all the project villages, through which farmers are able to sell their farm produce. Once the community members are informed, they then take their products to the godown where the members of IVS come to collect and sell the products to the general public.

One of the beneficiaries, Banjop Maring, a resident of Pahambir said, “This society has benefitted us a lot during this pandemic lockdown by buying our vegetables like tomatoes, french beans, coriander, bananas. If not, they vegetables and fruits would have gone to waste.”


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