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The North-East India team at the International Terra Madre, Turin. The team represents North East Slow Food and Agrobiodiversity Society.
The North-East India team at the International Terra Madre, Turin. The team represents North East Slow Food and Agrobiodiversity Society.

Torino: “Food is not a commodity. It is a living thing and we have to learn to respect food and especially those who produce it”, said Carlo Pettrini, father of the Slow Food Movement, to a rousing applause from the nearly five thousand strong audience gathered at the Pala Alpitour (Polaisozaki), Torino’s largest auditorium.

Stressing on the need to make farmers a community deserving of our respect, Pettrini said, “ We have celebrated all types of professions and given the Nobel Prizes to different intellectuals but have failed to respect the wisdom of farmers without whose produce we would not be here.”

Pettrini challenged the corporate food manufacturers to stop thinking profit and start thinking ethics. “When will be learn to make it about farmers. After all you cannot eat computer chips even if the world today revolves around Information Technology,” he said.

The Slow Food Movement or the International Terra Madre ( Terra Madre- is Italian for Mother Earth) is a growing movement with interested individuals and groups from all corners of the earth assembling at Torino, Italy to learn from each other and share their anxieties at the destructive nature of the large scale use of pesticides, chemical fertilisers.

Read more at : http://www.theshillongtimes.com/2014/10/24/110-countries-participate-in-intl-slow-food-movement/


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