Revisiting Chizami on Women’s Day

  NESFAS, for a second time around, was invited to be a part of the International Women’s Day and Biodiversity Festival at Chizami, Nagaland, annually organised by the North East…


Celebration of Bamboo Culture

Organized by the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) in collaboration with the Riti Academy of Visual arts, Shillong and the Department of Cultural and Creative Studies, North…

Read more about the article Not your grandfather’s house, but maybe it should be
Photo: Khanjan Mehta / Penn State

Not your grandfather’s house, but maybe it should be

Everyone wants a house to live in, and more and more, people around the world want the kinds of houses seen in Europe and North America, rather than those they grew up with, according to a Penn State engineer. However, industrial building materials are often scarce and expensive and alternative, locally sourced, sustainable materials are often a better choice.

Read more about the article The Lady with the Magical Touch
Kong Slibon Nongrum , traditional knowledge holder of Laitsohpliah.

The Lady with the Magical Touch

It is a local belief that she has magic in her calloused hands. Seeds for plantation are brought to her before they are sown in the farms because seeds that she plants never fail to sprout and always grow to be healthy and productive.