Dr. Bhogtoram Mawroh calls for the defense of Indigenous Food Systems to secure livelihoods and move Indian Agriculture forward

To celebrate the occasion of the 75th day of independence, the Department of History, in collaboration with the NCC Cadets of Shillong Commerce College, Shillong, organised an online virtual event on the 15th of August. Dr. Bhogtoram Mawroh, Sr. Associate Research and Knowledge Management, NESFAS, was the resource person and gave a presentation on ‘Agriculture in India - A way forward.'

Read more about the article Revival of Khneng embroidery in Mustoh village
Khneng embroidery pattern

Revival of Khneng embroidery in Mustoh village

The genesis of the word ‘Khneng’ (local Khasi word) basically means ‘border’. The inspiration for the embroidery comes from a local insect in the surrounding called ‘ktiar’, which resembles a centipede. A single line of a thick band is stitched on one side of the ‘jaiñpïen’ (a wrap-around) vertically.


Amidst the pandemic, local foodpreneur notches a step ahead

Ever since the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic in the early months of 2020, the world as we know it has changed forever. With strict lockdown administered in many countries worldwide, industries and economies have been hit hard and low during the first wave as well as the second wave.


How can youth contribute in transforming local food cultures: Integrated Mountain Initiative webinar

An online webinar was organised by the Integrated Mountain Initiative on the occasion of International Youth Day on August 12, 2021. The event highlighted the local food cultures across the Indian Himalayan Region and the need to transform our food systems and food cultures. Dr. Bandana Shakya, Agrobiodiversity Specialist, ICIMOD, and Mr. Janak Preet Singh, Sr. Associate, Livelihoods, NESFAS were the keynote speakers of this session where they highlighted Food Systems as interdisciplinary and game-changing solutions to ensure sustainability.


Youth for Indigenous Food System: Handing over the baton to the next generation

NESFAS’ “No one shall be left behind” initiative supported by REC (Rural Electrical Corporation Ltd) Foundation kick-started in July 2018. The initiative aimed to enhance Indigenous Food Systems (IFS) that would significantly contribute to improved nutrition, food security, and sustainable livelihoods among 130 indigenous communities of Meghalaya and Nagaland.