Read more about the article From Flower Gardens to Vegetable Gardens
Flower garden at Cathedral Shillong turned to Vegetable Garden

From Flower Gardens to Vegetable Gardens

In the midst of the Lockdown, most of us spend our time inside the comfort of out homes. One of the advices that medical experts give to fight against the Covid-19 is by building a healthy immune system with different kinds of healthy food.

Read more about the article Na ka Kper Syntiew sha ka Kper Jhur
Flower garden at Cathedral Shillong turned to Vegetable Garden

Na ka Kper Syntiew sha ka Kper Jhur

Hapdeng ka lock down, bun napdeng jongngi ngi ia pynlut por hala ki jong ki iing ki sem. Ka jingbatai ki riew shemphang, ki ong ba kawei na ki lad ban ialeh pyrshah ia u COVID-19 dei ban tei ia ka bor met (immunity) da kaba bam bun jait ki thup jingbam. Ka Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) jong ka United Nations kala phiah ia ki thup jingbam ha ki 10 tylli.