5 Must-see Festivals From the Northeast

Mei Ram-ew (or Terra Madre, meaning mother earth) held in Meghalaya in December, gets its inspiration from the Slow Food movement and is modelled on the lines of the global Terra Madre festivals.

Read more about the article A Thanksgiving Story
Baptist Church, Chizami, Nagaland

A Thanksgiving Story

In the month of November, every year, the members of the farming Community of Chizami who are strongly rooted in their belief of God, seek to give thanks to their provider by offering up the best of their produce of their land in a religious ceremony.

Read more about the article NESFAS Team at the IFAD office, Rome
The NESFAS Team at the IFAD office - Bibhudutta Sahu, Rahul Antao, Phidarilin Uriah, Markus Rahi, Janak Preet Singh, Wansalan Passah, Daniel Syiem, Sara Manetto

NESFAS Team at the IFAD office, Rome

On the of 30th October 2014, the NESFAS team including Phidarilin Uriah, Janak Preet Singh, Rahul Antao, Bibhudutta Sahu, Markus Rani and Wansalan Passah along with Phrang Roy, Chairman NESFAS, Sara Manetto, Programme Officer of The Indigenous Partnership, Rome, and Fashion Designer, Daniel Syiem, visited the International Fund for Agricultural Developement (IFAD) ofice with Miss Antonella Cordone, Senior Technical Specialist Indigenous Peoples And Tribal Issues, IFAD.

Read more about the article Remembering the day that broom grass took over
Kong Melina Syiemlieh with fellow farmers from Nagaland at the Biodiverity Fest celebrated in the Phek District.

Remembering the day that broom grass took over

Melina Syiemlieh’s experience in Nagaland brought back to her, memories of the village where she grew, a once lush and biodiverse village like Sekrezu that was fed by nutrient rich soil. In contrast, the earth now resembles powdery dirt that ceases to support any type of plant ever since the arrival of the broom.

Read more about the article A glimpse of Terra Madre 2014
Picture by Patricia Mukhim

A glimpse of Terra Madre 2014

The Terra Madre 2014 as documented by Tridip Mandal, Executive Producer at CNN-IBN. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekL_FpTRK1U&spfreload=10 (posted by IBN Live on YouTube)