A two-days training was organised by NESFAS on food processing and small scale value addition for members of Ialamlynti SHG, Ladmawphlang and three PGS group members from Nongtraw. The training focussed in enhancing basic skills of the participants and was facilitated by community members of the Nangkyrsoi SHG, Khweng from 24th to 25th October, 2021 in Lad Mawphlang, East Khasi Hills. 

food processing training
A theory session on Food Processing and Value addition

During the course of two days, the Nangkyrsoi group formally inducted the community about the training objectives and briefed about the ingredients used. This was then followed by demonstration of the processing method of various products. The participating communities- Nongtraw and Lad Mawphlang- brought their own seasonal products, and the Nangkyrsoi group also brought the products which were not available in those two villages. Most of the necessary raw materials and ingredients for processing were provided by the trainers. The trainees were trained on the process of making jams, ginger/papaya candy, pickles, potato chips and they were also facilitated on how to enhance presentation of fruits and vegetables to be used during off-season.

Food Processing Training
Trainees cutting the raw materials before processing

On another note, the trainees had requested the local trainers to train them on making Khasi Cherry (Sohiong in Khasi language) squash and jam as it is one of the products that is in abundance in both the villages. They were then instructed about the brief methods of preparation of wine making. Additionally, they were also briefed with the concept of labelling, costing, packaging and how to proceed with the FSSAI registration for their processed and value added food products.

Lad Mawphlang Training 1 1
Practical lessons on packaging

The training was a success as both the trainers and the participants were actively engaged throughout the process and NESFAS aims to follow up with group members from both the villages in the near future with the expectation that they will continue to implement the skills on food processing and value addition that they have received in order to enhance local and sustainable livelihood opportunities.  

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