The State Child Protection Society (ICPS) in collaboration with District Child Protection Unit organised a workshop on Swachhata Hi Seva (SHS) Campaign for Swachhata Pakhwada 2020 for all District Child Protection Units and Child Care Institutions on March 12, 2020 at KJPA Conference Hall, Shillong.
Dr. Melari Nongrum (PhD), Executive Director NESFAS, was the resource person for the topic “Promoting Good Nutrition and Physical Activity in Child Care Institutions”.
Mrs. Nongrum shared a presentation on “Enhancing food and nutrition in Children’s Homes through Traditional Food”.
In the session, she stressed on important health and nutrition issues; anemia, malnutrition (stunting, underweight, wasting), hidden hunger; in Meghalaya.
“Health for all needs a holistic approach around food”, said Mrs. Nongrum. It is important to understand if Children are thriving or just surviving with regard to food and nutrition.
Food is the connecting rod of any community, to their land, culture, language and well being and food-based nutrition is the backbone of the “health for all”. Also, food based on clean local produce is the basis for food security and food sovereignty.
Through the discourse shared, the officers present at the session were convinced that traditional food would enhance the food and nutritional security of the child care institutions.