NESFAS takes initiative to assist the health and well being of custodians of rare Khneng
NESFAS in collaboration with Bansara Eye Care Centre, had organized an Eye camp at Mustoh, East Khasi Hills on June 6, 2022. The programme was facilitated by a team from Bansara Eye Care Centre and supported by NESFAS.
The only known village for the 200 year old Khneng embroidery is Mustoh village. Since 2014, NESFAS has been working with Mustoh to preserve and revive this unique art. Back in 2015, NESFAS and the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) Society organized a medical eye checkup for twelve khneng artisans from Mustoh at the Bansara Eye Care Centre.
Khneng, being an artwork that demands hours of intricate needlework, takes a toll on the eyesight of the artisans and so the eye checkups were organized to assist on their health and well being.

The 16 artisans (embroiderers) were very happy with the help that they received and through this collaborative effort they hope to encourage more people to take up this art while at the same time attempting to impart livelihood skills to them.
Out of the 16, all were prescribed to wear glasses as they either suffered from near sightedness or far sightedness. After that, they proceeded on to choose the frames that best suited their face structure.
Expressing her gratitude, one of the knowledge holders of Khneng Embroidery, Kong Blewtibon Mawa, said, “This eye camp check up has been very helpful to us as Khneng Embroidery demands us to be very meticulous and have an eye for details. If our eyes are not in a good state, we will not be able to do this work diligently.”
Kong Asibon Mawa, Khneng embroiderer, expressed, “I am grateful for NESFAS team and Bansara Eye Care for providing this opportunity which proved to be very for helpful for us”.