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NESFAS, a partner of The Indigenous Partnership for Agrobiodiversity and Food Sovereignty (TIP), Rome is looking for young Researchers who can undertake literature review, synthesise, compile and write reports. NESFAS had conducted several socio-economic well-being studies in Meghalaya as part of its preparation for the Indigenous Terra Madre 2015 that was held in Shillong in November 2015. It needs to compile and edits these studies. It is interested to prepare a roster of Social scientists, editors and researchers interested in indigenous food system, nutrition and traditional knowledge systems for short term consultancies or longer term assignments if funds permit.

We invite interested candidates for a walk-in-interview in NESFAS office (Kerie-Ville, Nongrim Hills Road, Laitumkhrah, Shillong). We are next to Nazareth Hospital and you can drop in anytime between 10:00 to 17:00 from 5 and 6 June 2017. Please call us at 8575039852 to set up an appointment (first come first service).

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  1. Grey

    Can i apply for more than 1 post?

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