The 8th Terra Madre Day once again was celebrated around the world on 10th December. An annual Slow Food’s call to action that has become a tradition where hundreds of events take shape ranging from collective meals, fundraisers, community festivals, protest, a workshop for children, excursions to producers and much more from around the world.

In NESFAS, to show our solidarity with the Terra Madre Networks, one of our network villages Moosakhia in Amlarem C&RD Block, West Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya. They had used their creativity and knowledge in collaboration with a nearby village, Samanong to build a better food future by celebrating the harmony of “Loving the earth, Defending the future”.

It was an informal gathering at Moosakhia, where the potluck luncheon showcased their creativity and diversity within their network of friends and neighbours of harnessing local eating, showcasing agricultural biodiversity practices and looking for sustainable food production. They displayed the varieties of ingredients collected either the forest, their kitchen garden and even the school garden, to make a meal. It showcased how important it is to give back to the earth even as small farmers who are contributing to the richness of the soil. It’s the ability of these communities who learn and share their knowledge and also have been able to contribute to the richness of Mother Earth, which we have taken for granted.

They day full program showcased how the varieties of ingredients collected either in the forest, their kitchen garden or even the school garden, it is interconnected to how we eat. It highlighted how important it is to give back to the earth even as small farmers who are contributing to the richness of the soil. It’s a recognition of the ability of these farmers who have learnt and share their knowledge. They have been able to contribute to the richness of Mother Earth, which we have taken for granted.

To buy local food that is good, clean and fair in today’s time is a challenge. As we have to explore the curious nature of taste, we also have to look at the richness of palates of food. The Terra Madre Celebrations in a place such as Moosakhia, Jaintia Hills highlights the importance of protecting our biodiversity with the varied indigenous recipe that enriches to preserve their traditional practices in a changing landscape.