A programme focusing on food and nurtrition for children was held at the Reach Shillong Ministries (RSM)- An all out of School Programme Mawarliang, Laitkor, on the 27th July 2018.

Reach Shillong Ministries

The aim of NESFAS’ involvement is to enhance the nutrition of children who are in need of care and protection. NESFAS team got the opportunity to share the basics of nutrition, the importance of wild edibles and the idea of a school garden, with the school teachers, mid day meal cooks, cooks from the Open Day Shelters and Children’s Homes of RSM and parents of school children.

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Revd. Reuben G. Lalo, President of RSM, in his opening remarks gave a brief about the Reach Shillong Ministries. The RSM specializes in providing sustainable development and empowerment to people that fall in their target groups. One of their core focuses is on underprivileged children- street children, school dropouts, poor children, and orphans.

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Mrs. Melari Nongrum (PhD), Executive Director of NESFAS shared about the importance of inclusion of local wild edibles in the mid day meals and meals in the children’s homes. She also shared that the locally available wild edibles are the best food supplements for acquiring proper nutrition for children.


Ms Merrysha Nongrum, Associate, NESFAS, also gave an orientation of School garden. The RSM School at Laitkor will start initiating a school garden in their premises, with the help of NESFAS.

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Towards the end of the programme, Mrs. Anita Roy did a cooking demonstration on some of the basic, nutritious and interesting recipes that mothers and school teachers can provide to the children.

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 She prepared an omelet mixed with two wild edibles, a millet pancake spread with jiggery, a mashed potato added with wild edibles and a vegetable salad with crushed peanuts.



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