Read more about the article Seeing things in a different light; NESFAS Solar Electrification Initiative brings a new dawn for partner communities in rural Meghalaya.
Community people of Mawpynthymmai involved in the installation of the Solar Panels

Seeing things in a different light; NESFAS Solar Electrification Initiative brings a new dawn for partner communities in rural Meghalaya.

The “No One Shall Be Left Behind” initiative funded by the REC has been towards the preservation of indigenous food practices and traditions in 130 partner communities. In this endeavor, innovations to help further the livelihoods and economy of the partner communities have been undertaken by NESFAS and its partner organizations; SSC, SURE and NEN, during the project duration


Event – Agrobiodiversity Tour with the Indigenous Communities of Meghalaya

The pandemic exposed the fragility of the global food system, made people more conscious about health and nutrition and the dawning realisation of the need to switch to nature- based food production. The Indigenous Peoples’ food systems are vital for food security. These biodiverse systems sustain natural resources, contribute to health and nutrition and sustain livelihoods