The Inter School Indigenous Food Cooking Competition Shillong was held on the 23rd September 2017 at ‘Lahai-roi’ Gardens, Umkdait, Nongmensong Shillong,  as part of the Golden Jubilee Celebration organized Seven Set Higher Secondary School Shillong.

The theme for the event was “Take a ride back to our roots: The Future We Want” and only featured local cuisines from North East India. A ‘Mei-Ramew Market’ had wild edibles and shifting cultivation products from Khweng Village on sale. Kong Plantina’s Mei-Ramew café had special local snacks for the visitors.

Indigenous Cooking Competition1

Inter School Indigenous Food Cooking Competition Shillong: Event Highlights

Fourteen schools participated

Fine Dining presentation

Indigenous food cooking competition Shillong

Mei-Ramew Market (Mother Earth Market)

Winning Teams

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