Read more about the article Na ka Kper Syntiew sha ka Kper Jhur
Flower garden at Cathedral Shillong turned to Vegetable Garden

Na ka Kper Syntiew sha ka Kper Jhur

Hapdeng ka lock down, bun napdeng jongngi ngi ia pynlut por hala ki jong ki iing ki sem. Ka jingbatai ki riew shemphang, ki ong ba kawei na ki lad ban ialeh pyrshah ia u COVID-19 dei ban tei ia ka bor met (immunity) da kaba bam bun jait ki thup jingbam. Ka Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) jong ka United Nations kala phiah ia ki thup jingbam ha ki 10 tylli.


NESFAS reaches out to its partner communities to combat the pandemic

The second wave of COVID-19 pandemic has even attacked villages in the far corner of the State. The virus has not even spared the villages, which are within the project area of NESFAS. The situation has compelled NESFAS to go beyond the mandate of the project and work with the 130 villages in Meghalaya and Nagaland and embark on the work of suppressing the spread of the virus.


Strengthening biodiversity at the grassroots

Ever since its inception in 2012, NESFAS has played a major role in the preservation of indigenous food cultures and traditions in the North East of India, especially in Meghalaya. Over these years, NESFAS has worked relentlessly to fulfill its mission of highlighting the connection between sourcing tasty, healthy, local foods and the responsibility one has towards the protection and preservation of the agrobiodiversity that produces these foods.

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Read more about the article Ka jingiaid lynti ki nongri ngap Meghalaya ha FAO, United Nations
Indigenous beekeepers of Mawpynthymmai

Ka jingiaid lynti ki nongri ngap Meghalaya ha FAO, United Nations

Ka dei ka sien kaba nyngkong duh ban pynsngew haka pyrthei ia ka jingiaid lynti ki nongri ngap na ki rilum Khasi Jaintia. Ia ka jingiaid lynti ki nongri ngap la pynpaw pyrthei da U Bah Phrang Roy, uba dei u bongseng jong ka NESFAS ha ka jingrakhe ia ka sngi kyrpang ki ngap kaba la pynlong da ka FAO jong ka United Nations ha ka 20th Tarik, Jymmang,2021.


The voices behind our local biodiversity movement

The International Day for Biological Diversity, 22nd May 2021, commemorates a day to highlight important issues surrounding Biological Diversity and raise awareness for the same. Variety of life on the planet is on a gradual decline and initiating a conversation about this is the need of the hour.